02.–05.02.2025 #prosweetscologne

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Polyester Fabric silos

Our company's First and best product, Technosilos' Polyester silos are thetop silos of the kind in the market. Italian tayloring tradizion meets the highest engeering and top quality for the storage of powdery and granular materials.
A quality and still affodable solution for indoor storage of powdery or granular raw materials

Main Features thats set us apart:

·Silos Calculated with STRAUS7 frame calculations with reinforced bolted parts no free interlocking parts
·Frame reinforce with load cells
·Seismic reinforce when needed by local regulations
·We use fabric with stainless steel conductive wire. We provide test certificate on the antistatic properties. 
·We buy one year supply of fabric and make migration test in order to be able to issue a Certificate of compliancy with food hygiene standards.  (EC Regulation 1935/2004)
·High strength polyester fabric of best quality in the market
·Deep Atex assessment and safety accessories available
·Loading pipe and level sensors are connected to a top stainless steel disc
·Reduced cost of transportation.
·Long life offered by the reinforced polyester
·Completely non-toxic, hygienic, with a high degree of conservation of the raw material in compliance with food hygiene rules (EC Regulation 1935/2004) avoids the formation of condensation.
·Overfilling protection by high level sensor, sound alarm and shut off valve on loading pipe


·       Storage of materials with bulk density up to 1.2 kg/dm3
·       Extremely long lasting
·       Completely non-toxic, hygienic, with high degree of preservation of raw material, in compliance with food hygiene standards
·       Breathable filtering fabric with no need of additional filters and no formation of condensation.
·       Possibility to customize the size according to available space
·       Easy and economical transportation
·       Antistatic fabric according to IEC Guide
·       ATEX Directive compliant

Zum Pressefach von Technosilos Srl

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