02.–05.02.2025 #prosweetscologne

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DE Element 13300 Element 12300 EN

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Proform Processing & Forming Solutions

Proform designs & builds individual machines or complete production lines to process a wide variety of products ranging from: 

Chewing gum / bubble gum

Pasta, biscuits, crackers, cookies…

Toffee, caramel, chewy candy or soft chews

Licorice, fruit leather or fruit snacks

Hard candy, with high filling

to pet food or animal feeds.



Visit us to learn about the most innovative way to produce soft chews, chewy candy or toffee using Intruder technology, which features 4 functions in one machine.

Or manufacturers of lollipops can find out about our filling extruder, for single or double filled lollipops.

The Proform Range

Continuous Mixing and Blending Extruders with a modular process zone, for:

·         continuous mixing of bubble gum,

·         the continuous mixing of dough for biscuits, crackers, pasta or pet food

·         continuous graining of neutral chewy mass, with in-line blending of coloring and flavoring.

Continuous Mixing & Cooking Extruders

- for licorice or fruit snacks, with or without fillings, in twists, laces or strips...  


Extruders and Co-Extruders

To shape single or multi-color ropes, with or without fillings for: 

- Chewing or Bubble Gum (feeding Cut & Wrap machines)

- Chewy Candy, Toffee

- Hard Boiled Candy, etc

- Filling Extruders to center-fill lollipops

 Cooling & Tempering Tunnels  

Ball Forming Production lines

- bubble gum shaped into a wide range of spherical products. (balls, pears, bottles, lentils…)

- can also shape grained chewy candy, hard candy, plastic or feed type products. 

Rolling & Scoring or Sheeting Lines

- to make chewing gum in sticks, pellets, tabs.  



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